DWI Lawyer
Stephen Stewart
I always wanted to be a lawyer and to fight for people.
Graduating Cum Laude from the University of Houston, I went on to attend its esteemed law school. ​I have worked as a criminal defense lawyer since 2012 and have represented numerous people on cases just like yours. I work hard to get the results that people need to continue their lives in peace and prosperity.
I have tried literally hundreds of jury trials and achieved great success in these trials.
That said, I am an excellent advocate for my clients, and my primary goal is to get your case dismissed without ever even having to go to trial. I have achieved this goal far more often than I have had to go to trial.
I have been acknowledged as one of the best DWI attorneys in Texas, winning awards like the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers' Association DWI Trial Warrior award, the National Trial Lawyers' Association Top 40 Under 40 Years Old award, the American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys' Top 10 Criminal Lawyers in Texas award, and the National Trial Lawyers' Association Top 100 Trial Lawyers awards.
I am an American Chemical Society designated Lawyer-Scientist and have analyzed blood for alcohol and drugs in the laboratory. I am certified in the standardized field sobriety tests that police perform. My entire legal practice is dedicated to fighting DWI cases. Why would you hire a lawyer who does ​personal injury, family law, or anything else to fight your DWI case? Would you ask your plumber to rebuild your car's engine? If it matters to you, you should hire a lawyer who only fights DWI cases - me.
Don't just settle for a criminal conviction that could handicap your career and future.​ Get a proven DWI fighter on your side.
I take cases in Harris, Galveston, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Chambers, Waller, and Liberty counties, and sometimes in other counties around Texas.




DWI lawyer Stephen Stewart got my DWI dismissed. He was there for me the whole time, and came up with a brand new legal strategy to win my case. Even though there was an accident and they drew my blood, it didn't matter. He won my case and I appreciate it.
Ray R.
After patiently waiting a year, my attorney Stephen Stewart and I headed to trial. I have to tell you, he was AWESOME!!! In my opinion his experience with the law and DWI cases was right on target. As I watched him questioning the officer and blood lab tech, I felt more confident that he would win my case by every question and statement he made. My case was dismissed!!! I thank you Stephen!!!
Enrique Z.
Lawyer Stephen Stewart was always available, answered all my questions, and got my case dismissed. I was harassed by police while I was in the hospital and he came to the hospital at 2am to help me. I don't plan on ever getting in trouble again, but if I did I would call attorney Stephen Stewart because he's the best lawyer in Houston.
Vivie N.
Attorney Stephen Stewart got my dad's DWI case dismissed. He also won his driver's license hearing so his license never even got suspended. Thank you for winning his case and doing everything we hoped. He is a great DWI defense attorney. He never gives up and fights for his clients. He knows DWI law, science, and how to win. We are thankful for his help.
Tissa T.
Atty Stephen Stewart got my Case Dismissed, even with DA playing games. Atty Stewart is straight up, thorough and keeps you informed. That's what you want in a great Lawyer. I got lucky when I chose him. He knows what he's doing.
Michael R.
DWI Survival

"I'm glad I hired the lawyer who literally wrote the book on DWI. He helped me avoid pitfalls and make good decisions in fighting and eventually winning my DWI."
Contact me now to receive your free copy of my book "The DWI Survival Guide: Ten Timely Tips for People Facing a DWI Prosecution".

Prevent Driver's License Suspension
DPS wants to suspend your driver's license even if you are not convicted of anything, but I can often prevent any license suspension from occurring if you contact me immediately after arrest. We only have 15 days to prevent the license suspension.
Included with my DWI representation is representation in a civil case to prevent your license from being suspended. I subpoena witnesses and evidence at the DPS license revocation hearing, which even gives us a head start on fighting the DWI case itself.​
Time is of the essence if we are going to protect your driver's license AND your future.
Jury Trial and Preparation
Investigating and preparing for trial is one of the most important aspects of representing you, and you need someone with the experience, knowledge, and ability to properly do this. From the first day you hire me, I will begin preparing our case for trial.
I spend the time necessary to prepare to win at trial and will discuss the case with you before trial.
As I gather evidence, I will go through everything with you and provide you an open and honest case evaluation.
Sometimes we can get a dismissal without even going to trial.

Thorough Preparation Pays Off
The culmination of the case is generally either a trial by jury or a pre-trial dismissal of the charge because of our hard work. I will usually FIGHT cases if the state is unwilling to dismiss them.
I am at home in front of a jury, having begun my career by defending literally hundreds of Class C
misdemeanors in trial. Since 2018, I have done DWI defense almost exclusively. I also handle associated cases like intoxication assault or intoxication manslaughter.
I have more trial experience than many lawyers will accrue in a lifetime.
DWI Defense For: Blood Tests, Breath Tests & No Test Cases
I defend all types of DWI cases.
Regardless of whether you gave a breath sample, a blood sample, or no sample at all, I know how to defend YOUR specific type of case. I have experience handling all types of DWI cases. Alcohol, drugs, a combination of the two, or even no intoxicants at all. I have seen it all.
I am trained and experienced in the latest cutting edge strategies to fight all manner of Texas DWI cases.
Don't think your case is over just because you gave a breath or blood sample. This is just the beginning of my investigation into your case. There can be numerous problems with both breath and blood tests, as reflected in the recent New York Times breath test investigation entitled "These Machines Can Put You In Jail. Don't Trust Them" and in the recent recall of 247,000 defective blood vials.
I have won cases where the test showed the person was greater than five times the legal limit by finding police and laboratory mistakes and applying the law to our facts. I know how to find these mistakes. Trust me to fight your case.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Since
Free Consultation
Call 24 hours: (281) 800-7500
To hire me or for a free consultation, please call (281) 800-7500. If you would like to fill out the form here, you may do that also, but phone calls are the fastest way to get a response.
Address and Contact Info
1415 North Loop West
Suite 616
Houston, TX 77008
Cell Phone: 281-800-7500
English and Spanish spoken
Contact Form